Exeter City v 112th Battery
Exeter City v 112th Battery
On Saturday, February 4th, at St James's Park, the City beat 112th Battery by 2 goals to nil in a Senior League match. It was the "match of the season," and the record crowd of some 1,500 spectators witnessed one of the finest games ever played in Exeter. Although it was only a League encounter it was played in "Cup style" of a most vigorous fashion. Excitement was of high order, and there was scarcely a dull moment throughout all the game. The City are to be congratulated on their fine victory, for they thoroughly deserved the two goals obtained. The City rose to the occasion "like one man," and maintained their un broken League record. The soldiers started uphill and pressed for the opening fifteen minutes. Then the City warmed up in fine style, giving Steele a couple of stiff shots to negotiate. The City's first goal was obtained through the clever play of Reid, who received a pass and nipped between the backs. He then lured Steele out of his goal, and before the custodian was able to get back made a short pass to Sellick who placed the ball in the empty net. This had the effect of putting stamina into the City's ranks, and both sides went at it hammer and tongs, the soldiers on the one hand trying in vain to equalise, and Exeter on the other, doing their utmost to increase their lead.
No further scoring, however, took place in the first half, the play during this period being of a most interesting nature. On the resumption victory still hung in the balance, and it was thought that the City would have their work cut out to maintain their lead. This was not so, however, for it was seen that the civilians had become masters of the situation, and the soldiers had anything but a pleasant time for the whole of the second half. The City's second goal was obtained by a shot from Thomas, the ball striking an opponent and rebounding into the net. Exeter still peppered at the Artillery goal but could not add to their score. They left the field in the happiest of moods, for they had beaten a fine combination of players, including three County men.
It would be unfair to individualise the City's team, for there was not one among them who was not in tip-top form. They laid themselves out to win, and won handsomely. Combination and cohesion were perfect, both in the attack and the defence. The Battery, it must be admitted, made the pace a fast one. They were far the heavier team, and this was brought into prominence, unfortunately, too often. The Battery rearranged their team in the second half, and there was an improvement in their defence, except that Jimmy Sellick continued to make rings round them!