Hartlepool (a)
Exeter City Played Good Football But Lacked punch. But They Were Better Than Rugged Hartlepools.
Monday September 19th 1960.
Played at Victoria Grounds, attendance 2,926.
Hartlepools United:- Wilkinson; Waugh and Clydesdale; Pattison, Lackenby, and Anderson; Clark, Johnson, Cooper, Lumley, and Dunn.
Exeter City:- Lobbett; Whitnall and MacDonald; Wilson, Harvey, Thompson; Harrison, Donaldson, Wilkinson, Gordon, and Rees. Referee:- Mr P.Rhodes of York.
Whilst Exeter have their own shortcomings they should take heart from the fact that if this game is any criterion they will, for certain, be in a happier position than Hartlepools at the end of the season.
The lack of punch in the City's attack once again deprived the team of a victory earned on the play, and whatever football there was in this match came from Exeter.
Hartlepools by comparison were a rugged but ragged outfit, and must have been well satisfied to hang on to a point. Lackenby, a cultured footballer when at Exeter, appears to have sunk to the same level of his hard-running, hard-kicking colleagues, while Cooper, once a classy centre-forward with Middlesbrough, was held as in a vice by Keith Harvey.
Replacing the injured Mitchell the player-manager Glen Wilson made his first appearance in a defence which had a more stable look after its sharp set-back at Bradford.