Jackson, Michael

"Michael Jackson has been made an honorary director of Exeter City football club, his friend and co-director Uri Geller said on Wednesday.

The singer visited the third division club during a trip to south west England last month, hosted by psychic celebrity Geller.

"When I asked him what does he know about football he said 'absolutely nothing but I love Exeter City,'" said Geller.

Jackson at Exeter
Michael Jackson visited Exeter FC in June but did not sing
"We did this out of respect. He put Exeter City on the international map."

Jackson is now entitled to play a full part in the club's boardroom, including voting on key decisions about players.

He will also enjoy free admission to any games he may want to attend and will be able to travel to away matches with the players on the club coach."

From the BBC 3rd July 2002. 



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