Whyte, Gilbert

Gilbert Whyte

Another character, but not so much a mascot, was Gilbert Whyte. He first supported the City in 1949, travelling from his Okehampton home. A football fan through and through he could often be seen standing on the terraces at Torquay United and Plymouth Argyle, when his beloved Exeter City were away from home. He also followed the fortunes of both the Exeter Falcons Speedway team and Exeter Cricket Club, Gilbert helped around St James's Park for a number of years with all manner of tasks, particularly assisting groundsman Sonny Clarke to prepare the playing surface. He could always be seen standing on the St James's Park terraces holding a transistor radio against his ear, when he would relay all the latest scores from other matches to the City supporters stood around him.

Gilbert died in October 1985, and such had been his popularity over the years that many of the City staff attended his funeral to pay their last respects,


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