Giannachi, Gabriella

Gabriella Giannachi is Professor in Performance and New Media and Director of the Centre for Intermedia and Creative Technology at the University of Exeter, UK. Her most recent book publications include: Virtual Theatres (Routledge 2004); Performing Nature: Explorations in Ecology and the Arts, co-edited with Nigel Stewart (Peter Lang 2005); The Politics of New Media Theatre (Routledge 2007); Performing Presence: Between the Live and the Simulated, co-authored with Nick Kaye (MUP 2011); Performing Mixed Reality, co-authored with Steve Benford (MIT Press 2011); Archaeologies of Presence, co-edited with Nick Kaye and Michael Shanks (Routledge 2012); Archive Everything (MIT 2016 and Treccani 2022); Histories of Performance Documentation, co-edited with Jonah Westerman (Routledge 2017); Moving Spaces, co-edited with Susanne Franco (Ca’ Foscari University Press 2021); Documentation as Art, coedited with Annet Dekker (Routledge 2022); and Technologies of the Self-Portrait (Routledge 2022 and Treccani 2023). She has collaborated with museums in the fields of new media and performance documentation (e.g. Tate and LI-MA) while also developing novel platforms for the sharing of collections in collaboration with computer scientists at University of Nottingham, Tate, Factory 42 and Royal Albert Museum and Art Gallery. Her research has been funded by EPSRC, AHRC, EU, Innovate UK, Nesta and the National Heritage Lottery Fund. She has completed a co-authored monograph with Michael Shanks on environmental and ecological art and is currently working on a monograph with him on AI.



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