Match 47
28th April 1928
Walsall (a)

Southern League
Ebbw Vale (h)

30th April 1928
Devon Championship
Plymouth Argyle (h)

2nd May 1928
The Trowbridge Charity Cup
Bristol Rovers (at Trowbridge)

3rd May 1928
Exhibition match
Torrington (a)


Saturday, April 28th, 1928.

The game opened sensationally at Walsall, for in the first minute Holland was beaten by Walker, who scored with a long dropping shot from 35 yards. Bedford in the tenth minute scored a second goal and Lane followed not long afterwards with number three. Bastin revived Exeter's hopes by scoring a fine goal after the interval, but Walsall were not to be denied, and Walker beat Holland for the fourth time, Lane having previously struck the crossbar. Walker converted a centre from Bedford five minutes from time.

Walsall:- Wait; Fairhurst and Plunkett; Groves, McClure, and Bradford; Bedford, Robson, Lane, Walker, and Springell.

Exeter City: Holland; Pollard and Charlton; Phoenix, Chambers, and Clarke; Purcell, McDevitt, Dent, C. Bastin, and Kirk.

The Grecians never really recovered from a disastrous start, and at no stage of the game did they look like making up the leeway. There was an end-of-a-season flavour about the play of Exeter, who were weak at half back. Bastin again played a useful game in the forward line, and scored the City's only goal.


The City Reserves wound up their competition programme of the season, taking part in a Southern League match with Ebbw Vale at St James's Park. The weather was brilliantly fine and warm, and there were 2,000 spectators. Lowton won the toss and the Vale had to face the blinding sun in the opening half. Clever combination among the Exeter forwards gave the Vale a great deal of trouble right from the start, and in three minutes Andrews scored with a strong header, following Jenkins's well-placed corner kick. Warren, who had adapted himself splendidly to the centre half position, got through a lot o of excellent work, but the visitors broke away and Townsend fired over the Exeter goal from a good opening. Next, Howley cut in towards the goal and made a very good scoring attempt which Wainwright saved. Immediately after this Compton collided with an opponent and received a head injury which compelled his retirement to the dressing room. Then Selley was fouled, and Miller from the free kick tried a forty yards shot, skimming the crossbar with the powerfully driven ball.

The Return of Compton.

Exeter's short-handed attack was not effective because there was an absence of co-operation between Andrews and Lievesley, therefore the return of Compton to the fray was doubly welcome. Selley lost no time in slipping out an ideal pass to his partner, and from Compton's centre, perfectly placed, Jenkins put the ball into the net with a neat shot from twelve yards. Lievesley then netted Exeter's third goal, and at the interval the score was:

City Reserves 3 Ebbw Vale 0.

When the teams changed ends the City were not slow in again asserting the same superiority that they had shown in the first half, and Selley's opportunism was rewarded with two bright goals, and Compton followed quickly with another. It was now six-nil to the Grecians and there was still half an hour to go. Selley, McDade, and Compton collaborated in another clever Exeter move which produced goal number seven by Jenkins, and Selley scored number eight. Wainwright, tired of having nothing to do, came out of goal and took a stroll around the penalty area and over to each touch-line. Lievesley scored Exeter's ninth goal and then took things very easily indeed. The Vale broke away, and Wainwright saved from Townsend, but failed to hold the ball. A second shot, by Atkins, hit the crossbar, and from the rebound Atkins netted the ball. An exceptionally good save by Wainwright prevented Atkins from adding another goal, the City defence now treating the opposition very lightly.

Teams :

City Reserves: Wainwright; Lowton and Miller; Ditchburn, Warren, and McDade; Jenkins, Lievesley, Andrews, Selley, and Compton.

Ebbw Vale: Bristowe; Coulthard and Worthing; Lewis, Jenkins, and Hudson; Whatley, Atkins, Davies, Townsend, and Howley.

Mr R.A.Bowden, of Newton Abbot.

Monday, April 30th 1928.

Argyle Beaten at St James's Park


Devon Champions

Exeter City rather appreciate the dignity which attaches to the winning of the Devon Professional Championship, and at St James's Park on Monday evening, in the presence of 3,000 spectators, they earned the right to the title for the third year in succession, beating Plymouth Argyle in an entertaining game by four goals to two.

Exeter City:- Holland; Lowton and Miller; Ditchburn, Pollard, and Clarke; Purcell, McDevitt, Andrews, Dent, and Compton.

Plymouth Argyle:- Craig; Price and Titmuss; Preston, McKenzie, and Hardie; Forbes, Sloan, Richards, Bowden, and Black.

Referee: Mr F.W.Reeve, of Devonport.

In the early play the City defence was none too reliable, but Exeter could point to the more businesslike attack, Purcell being highly effective, and well partnered by McDevitt. Moreover, in Pollard they had a determined and capable centre half, and Clarke, on the left flank, was right on top of his form. At the interval Exeter led by 3-1, and each side added a goal in the second half, which ran very largely in the City's favour, and home backs now playing their usual happy and efficient football, so that the Argyle's chances were exceedingly few.

Notable Absentees from the Plymouth Side.

Andrews, the Reserves' centre forward, must be credited with playing a very good game. He did not connect up with the other forwards any too well, but allowance must be made for the fact that he was in strange company. On the other hand he played dashing football, neglected no chance of shooting, and in this respect refused to be discouraged by more than ordinary ill-luck. His second goal proved the value of his "shoot hard and shoot often" principle. Dent, too, gave a clever display at inside left, his original position in the team before he and Phoenix exchanged places early in the season. Russell and Leslie were notable absentees from the Plymouth side. Russell, the regular captain, was said to be feeling the effects of Saturday's game with Lovells of Newport at Home Park, while Leslie was reported to be lame. Craig assumed the captaincy for this match. Exeter were without Mason, Gee, and Vaughan, as compared with the team which opposed Blackburn Rovers in the Cup, it being the intention of the directors of Exeter City to field, as nearly as possible, those eleven players against the Argyle. Gee's place was taken by Clarke, in accordance with the club's announcement. while Pollard moved to centre half, Lowton coming in at right back. Very interesting was the City's change in the forward line, with Dent returning to his former position at inside left, and Andrews assuming for the first time in this company the role of leader, which he has filled capably in the Reserves throughout the season.

City Attacks Petered Out.

Craig won the toss, and Exeter faced the sun and wind in the opening half. Pollard put in a lot of effective work in the early stages, and it was much to do with this that the Grecians had the better of the early exchanges, at least territorially. Sloan, however, came the nearest to starting the goal scoring, a long shot from this Pilgrim missing the top corner of the Exeter net by very little. Purcell was well supplied with the ball at the other end, and responded in his customary admirable style, but the City's attacks petered out near goal in the most disappointing fashion. Compton was at fault with his centres, four going behind in quick succession. When the Argyle took up the running and Bowden appeared dangerous Miller got across quickly and robbed the Cornishman cleverly. Holland showed a lack of thought when he came outside the penalty area and picked up a ball Richards was chasing. Following the free-kick Sam Black shot just outside the Exeter goal. Next, Purcell sent over a splendid centre which Craig did well to fist away. The ball was trapped by Compton, and as he hooked it inwards Price appeared to handle. There was a loud appeal for a penalty, but the referee ignored it.

The First Goal.

A clever bit of work by Hardie spelt danger for Exeter. Bowden sent Black off, and the winger had time to study his centre. Sloan met the ball with his head and Holland saved at the expense of a corner. Dent opened the scoring midway through the first half. Andrews made a smart recovery after stumbling on the ball and brought Purcell into the game. The outside-right took the ball straight ahead almost to the goal-line, ignoring the close attentions of Titmuss, and finished with a splendid cross, which beat Craig and enabled the waiting Dent to head sharply into the net from a distance of eight yards. This move was repeated a few minutes later, but Dent's header was from further out, and took the wrong direction. Just afterwards Lowton failed to clear, the ball went to Black, who dribbled round Ditchburn and centred low and neatly for Richards to run the ball into the net. It was a simple goal, and one the City defence should have prevented. Andrews then shot over the Argyle goal from McDevitt's pass. The second goal to Exeter was not long in coming, however, for McKenzie fouled Andrews about thirty-five yards out. Ditchburn placed the free kick slightly to the left of the Argyle goal and Dent's excellent header had Craig well beaten. McDevitt, Pollard, and Clarke were all prominent in subsequent play, and from another of McDevitt's astute passes Andrews should have scored, but he failed to hit the ball truly and the chance was lost. Bowden shot well but missed the goal, Forbes having provided the opening, and Sloan put the ball straight at Holland when put through by Bowden. Near the interval Exeter increased their score to three. Purcell supplied Dent with a perfect pass, on the carpet, and the ball was transferred to Andrews. Price tried to intercept but Andrews held him off and scored with rather a gentle looking lob into the roof of the net, which deceived Craig completely. The score at half-time was
Exeter City 3 Plymouth Argyle 1.

Second Half.

Andrews made amends for any previous lapses now by scoring a sensational goal, the result of sheer opportunism. The ball was thrown in by Clarke, and only half-cleared by Titmuss with a weak kick. It went to Andrews, who shot hard and instantly, keeping the ball low. It was a real "daisy-cutter," and Craig got his right hand to it but the strength of the shot carried the ball right to the back of the net. Purcell shot behind, when a good pass might have yielded another goal. Then the Argyle went ahead and scored. In checking a fast Plymouth raid, Clarke was adjudged to have fouled Richards on the edge of the penalty area. Taking an example from Ditchburn's earlier free kick, Preston placed his kick ahead to Sloan, who headed well into the net over Holland's head and hands. Andrews got clean away to within ten yards of the Argyle goal but was forced out to the right by Titmuss, and shot behind from a difficult angle, and the next time Plymouth attacked McKenzie shot wide. Holland came out needlessly to intercept another Argyle free kick and missed the ball among the tangle of players, and a dangerous situation was ended by Miller clearing upfield.

Craig Kept Busy.

Lowton's decisive interventions were of much value now in foiling the clever designs of the Plymouth left wing, as was Miller's cool efficiency across the other side of the field. With these two as well as Charlton and Pollard on the books, can there be another Third Division side so well equipped with backs? For a long time the play was of a midfield character, with the defences of both sides predominant. Andrews made two good attempts at scoring but miskicked each time just at the crucial stage, but then did much better, heading in from Compton's pass. The ball was caught by Craig, who appeared to be inside his goal when he saved, but Exeter's claim was over-ruled by the referee. Exeter redoubled their many efforts to score further goals and Craig was kept very busy in repelling a series of strong shots, headers, and centres from a variety of angles. There was no further scoring, and the City finished up worthy winners of the Devon Championship.

Wednesday, May 2nd 1928.

The Trowbridge Charity Cup, given by Allen Palmer, Esquire.

Exeter City Defeat Bristol Rovers.

Exeter City were the winners of the "Allen Palmer Cup" at Trowbridge, when in the presence of over 2,000 people they defeated Bristol Rovers, who took the trophy from Bristol City last season. It was sparkling exhibition of professional football, and a revelation to the majority of those watching, whose opportunities to see the first class game are limited.

Among those present in the grandstand were Major and Lady Alexander Palmer, Mr and Mrs W.J.Mann, Mr F.W.Stancomb, and the Rev. H. Sanders. Mr J.Whatley, the old Town goalkeeper and now and for some few seasons past a distinguished Bristol Rover, was an interested spectator. The Rovers enjoyed quite as much of the play as Exeter territorially, their final touches however being very erratic. Both teams, who were loud in their praise of the splendid Hythesea Road foot ball ground, fielded their full English League elevens. Of the Exeter si Charlton (who toured Australia in 1925 with the F.A.International team) was the most conspicuous, and is clearly a player of the very highest standard, whilst Holland, Purcell, and McDevitt are not far behind. The honours in the Rovers' eleven were easily carried off by their wingers, while Falconer and Forbes were superb half-backs. Both goalkeepers made some clever saves, Holland being especially brilliant towards the end. The only goal of the game was scored midway through the first half by Vaughan for Exeter. At the conclusion Lady Alexander Palmer handed the Cup to McDevitt, the City captain, amidst loud and prolonged applause. Major Palmer, Mr Alan Young, and Mr Horton also added words of congratulation to both teams, who were:

Exeter City: Holland; Pollard and Charlton; Phoenix, Mason, and Clarke; Purcell, McDevitt, Dent, Vaughan, and Compton.

Bristol Rovers: - Densley; Bennett and Rotherham; Forbes, Perry, and Falconer; Homer, Thom, Ormston, Roberts, and King.

Referee:- Mr A.Keates, of Trowbridge.

After the game the teams and officials were entertained to dinner, at "The George Hotel," as guests of the promoters, a splendid repast being provided by the host and hostess Chinn. Among those at the head table were Mr F.Beer, Mr F.H.Blair, Mr U.N.Holborow, Mr C.Horton, Mr H.H.Garlick, Mr and Mrs Horsey, Mr C.J.Gordon-Canning, Mr H.A.W.Hovell (directors of Bristol Rovers), Mr David McLean (newly appointed manager of the Rovers), Mr E.Jones (who represented Exeter City), Mr A.E.Keates (referee), the officials of Trowbridge Town F.C., and others. The "Cup" adorned the centre of the table. Following the loyal toast Mr Alan Young, who was in the Chair, referred to the inauguration of the competition by the late Mrs G.L.Palmer. The first match was between Trowbridge and Spencer-Moulton's, but the organisers, with the intention of getting better financial results, decided to go further afield in order to arrange more attractive games. The amount which had been raised solely for the Trowbridge Cottage Hospital, exclusive of that evening's game) was close on £600. Much of the success was due to the splendid support given by those outside the town, and the extreme kindness of Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, and now Exeter City, to whom great thanks were due for allowing the team to come that day to participate on the behalf of the Cottage Hospital.

Other Speeches.

Responding for Bristol Rovers, Mr Horsey said they would be quite willing to come again. Mr Horsey said that the Rovers always felt at home in Trowbridge, and although they were in unhappy League straits the club felt nevertheless that it always had a duty towards charity. Mr Jones responded for Exeter. The "Promoters of the Competition" was proposed by Mr F.Beer, who spoke at length. Messrs C.Horton and W. Pentiman responded, the former giving praise to the fine work of Mr R. Buchanan (honorary secretary). In proposing "The Players of Exeter City and Bristol Rovers," Mr F.H.Blake expressed his delight at the magnificent game provided by the teams, and he hoped that Exeter would be seen again on the Town "green" in future. Mr Stanley Charlton (vice captain), replaying on behalf of the Exeter City players, said they were proud to have won the Cup, and the splendid medals had made the players go "all the way." He said he would like to extend the City's congratulations to Trowbridge Town on winning the Second Division of the Western League.

Mr H.H.Garlick proposed a vote of thanks to the artistes, and Mr Thurlow to the Chairman, the latter being accorded musical honours. The excellent musical programme was contributed to by Messrs G.H.Ainsworth, G.Mattock, W. Long, and J.Forbes (Bristol Rovers half back). Mr D.Price was the accompanist.

The official returns for the match were: attendance 2,198, and gate receipts
£107. 16s.Od.

Thursday, May 3rd 1928.

Exeter City journeyed to Torrington (on Fair Day) and met the local side in an exhibition match, winning 6-1. Andrews 2, Lievesley, Selley, Ditchburn, and McDade scored for Exeter City, the last-named from a penalty. Parnell obtained Torrington's solitary goal. During the interval the Mayor, Dr. A.R.O'Flaherty, presented an arm-chair to Mr Bert Watts, captain of the Torrington team on the occasion of his recent marriage, the gift being subscribed for by players and officials of the cup 


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