Match 17
1st December 1928
Walsall (a)

Southern League
Lovell’s Athletic (h)

Walsall v Exeter City Defence Collapses Following Goalkeeper's Retirement 

Saturday, December 1st 1928.

WALSALL (Bradford 2 Attwood Groves Thomson 3) 7
EXETER CITY (Doncaster Houghton) 2

Referee:- Mr W.E.Russell, of Swindon.

Walsall: Wait; Houldey and Hunter; Groves, O'Brien and Lochhead; Moffatt, Bradford, Thomson, Attwood, and Gough.

Exeter City:- Holland; Lowton and Miller; Clarke, Pool, and Dennington; Purcell, McDevitt, Doncaster, Houghton, and Death.

Winning the toss gave Exeter the advantage of playing down the slope with the wind behind them. Leslie Dennington, the new signing from Reading, made his debut for Exeter at left half, Clarke crossing over, and Doncaster, who has created a fine impression wherever he has played, led the attack. The Walsall supporters were somewhat disappointed that Cameron, one of their favourites of several years ago, was not with the City team. The weather was dull and rather cold, and the ground in a sticky condition.

City Leading at the Interval.

Two or three attempts to get Death going on the City left wing were foiled by Groves, and when Purcell had a chance on the other flank he fired high over the crossbar. After six minutes the Grecians' defence was badly positioned to block a free kick by Lochhead, and when finally Moffatt lobbed the ball into the goalmouth Bradford beat Holland from easy range. Despite this reverse the City were the better team in the first half, and in thirty minutes Doncaster levelled the scores. Stirred by this success Exeter continued to attack, and only a brilliant save by Wait prevented Houghton scoring a second goal. One minute from the interval, however, Purcell sent in an ideal centre and Houghton headed through.

Exeter's Bad Luck.

The wind was considerably stronger when the game was resumed, but Exeter were soon attac ing, and McDevitt sent in a fast shot which was saved by Wait. In the next minute Walsall retaliated, and following a scramble in the Exeter goal area Holland and Thomson collided. With both players on the ground, the Walsall man just managed to tap the ball to Bradford, who had simply to walk it into the unguarded net. The City vainly appealed for offside, and in the meantime both Holland and Thomson had to receive attention. They resumed but Holland was very shaky and had to retire within a few minutes, Lowton going in goal. This was a severe handicap to the Grecians, but even so they still had the better of the ensuing exchanges. Grand approach work by Houghton gained a corner, which was saved by Wait, and a second flag kick was conceded by Hunter, and when the ball came over Hunter cleared it himself.

Collapse of the City Defence.
The City were distinctly on top now, and Wait had to fall full length to stop one of Death's "rockets" going into the net. Lowton's first chance to shine in his new role came when he saved at close quarters from Bradford, but almost in the next minute he was beaten by Attwood, who netted following a corner. Two minutes later Lowton failed to gather a centre from Moffatt, and Groves had nothing to do but fire the ball into the empty net, which he did. The third goal against the City in the space of five minutes came from Thomson, who found the net with a long shot which went in off the upright. By way of a change Death tested Wait, but the City were now but a shadow of the team they were at full strength. Walsall had found out that Lowton had not too much idea of a goalkeeper's duties, and the weak spot in the Exeter defence was exploited to the full. Thomson wound up the scoring with two further goals in as many minutes, and the rout of Exeter City was complete.

Southern League

Lovell's, the Newport works team, opposed Exeter City Reserves in a Southern League match at St James's Park this afternoon. The weather was dull but mild, and the ground had dried out to some extent.

City Reserves:- Campbell; Pollard and P.Noble; Sheffield, Ditchburn, and Christie; J.Bluck, Streets, Wade, C.Bastin, and Cameron.
Lovells: J.Hughes; W.R.Hillman and F.C.Williams; D.Thomas, E.Miles, and C.Williams; E.Cook, H.Williams, Howarth, Macgill, and Hiles.

Referee: Mr F.W.Reeve, of Devonport.

Pollard won the toss, and Exeter defender the St James's Road end, with the breeze behind them. The visitors were a very hefty looking team, but in less than two minutes they were a goal behind. Williams (F) only partially cleared the ball, and Streets was able to net with a leisurely sort of shot. After eight minutes Bastin although hampered by Hillman forced the ball into the net for a second goal, and Cameron got the third from a penalty when Wade was fouled inside the area by F.C.Williams. Shortly before the interval Cook headed a goal for Lovell's from Hiles's corner kick. The only goals in the second half were two by Lovell's, scored by H.Williams and Hiles. The announcement of the score at Walsall caused more than a little surprise, and the figures had a mixed reception.


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