Match 47
11th April 1931
Coventry City (h)

Saturday, April 11th 1931.

Coventry City, travelling today to Exeter, missed their railway connection at Gloucester and did not reach St David's Station until 3.19 p.m. As the kick-off was timed for 3.15 a delay of some minutes was inevitable, but by means of changing into their football togs in the train and a rush to the ground in taxis the party arrived at St James's Park at 3.30. The weather was gloriously fine, and there were 5,000 spectators.
Exeter City:- Davies; Baugh, Miller; Clarke, Angus, Barber; J.Gumm, Purcell, Varco, Houghton, and Doncaster.
Coventry City:- Allen; Plummer, Tilford; Stokes, Baker, Bell; Reay, Widdowson, Phillips, Lake, and O'Brien.

The Coventry players were rushed on to the field just before half past three and Miller winning the toss set them at the far end to face the sun. In the opening minute Baugh limped off with a damaged foot, but the City took play down the field smartly, and from Doncaster's cool and accurate centre Houghton headed a simple opening goal. Miller pulled up Reay with a splendid tackle and so checked a dangerous move by Coventry, while Houghton cleared in another dangerous situation. Baugh returned to the field, but was handicapped by his injury, and after a few minutes went to outside right, with Gumm inside, and Clarke at back. In a further re-shuffle Purcell dropped back to cover the right half position. Houghton was in great form for Exeter, as was Miller, but Coventry secured the equaliser through Phillips after 34 minutes.

Second Half.

After five minutes Exeter were awarded a penalty for a foul on Varco. Baugh, the regular penalty kicker, was unfit, so Miller's choice fell on Purcell, but unfortunately the shot passed by the wrong side of the post. Lake scored for Coventry after 15 minutes, and Phillips after 20. Nothing it seemed would go right for the Grecians this afternoon, despite their early goal and despite having more of the play than Coventry. The Grecians, two goals behind, re-doubled their efforts, and a swift attack had the Coventry defenders in difficulties, but the final shot, from Baugh, hit the angle of the goal with Allen beaten. Houghton then had hard luck with a fine cross shot that travelled inches wide of the upright. Twenty minutes before the finish Baugh returned to the right back position, and Exeter pressed persistently, but Varco shot over the bar, and Doncaster had a well directed centre fisted over by Allen. Play was poor in the closing minutes, Coventry packing their goal when Exeter threatened danger. Varco scored for Exeter with a fierce shot, it being the last kick of the match.


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