Crystal Palace (h)


Saturday, March 30th 1946.

EXETER CITY 2 (Walker, Wardle)

CRYSTAL PALACE 3 (Kurz 2, Reece)

Attendance 8,824.
Half-time score:- City 0 Palace 1.

Exeter City:- Singleton; Gadsby, Long; Cutting, Coles, Eastham; Wardle, Walker, Ebdon, Wright, Regan.
Referee:- Mr G.J.Reader, of London.
Crystal Palace:- Graham; Gregory, F.Dawes; Lewis, Bassett, Hudgell; Smith, Reece, Kurz, Bark, Wilson.

The undoing of Exeter City in a thrill packed game was the inability of their defence to find an effective counter to the rapier like down the middle thrusts of Fred Kurz, the best centre forward to be seen at St. James's Park this season. He is quick in his stride, he is a deadly accurate marksman, and he combines the neatness and delicacy of a Fred Whitlow with the persistance of a Rod Williams. After a bad opening 25 minutes during which the Palace scored their first goal the City rallied so well that they equalised and actually gained the lead midway through the second half. So dominant were the Grecians that they looked to have the match won. It was not to be, however, and the menace of Kurz ultimately carried the Glaziers to a hard won success.

  • MORE NEW PLAYERS FOR EXETER CITY. Both of Exeter's full backs in today's game are guest players. Long, of Chester, is Capt. J. W. Long, of the Southern Command. Exeter have secured two new players, both of whom played today. One is Stan Eastham, formerly of Liverpool and an amateur international, whilst the other is Raymond Horace Wright, formerly of the Wolves. Wright, a powerful and classy inside forward, was born at Pontefract 27 years ago and was a Wolves player during the last three peacetime seasons. He is 6ft 3ins in height and weighs nearly 13stone.


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