Bournemouth (h)

Southern League
Cheltenham (a)



Saturday, September 28th 1946.

EXETER CITY 4 (Ebdon 3, Wardle)
Half-time City 2 Boscombe 1.

City: Singleton; Thompson, Coles; Cutting, Hanford, Fellowes; Mustard, Wardle, Ebdon, Wright, Regan.
Referee:- Mr G.H.Hann, of Glastonbury.

Boscombe:- Bird; Marsden, Sanaghan;
Woodward, Wilson, Gallacher; Burke, Hutchinson, Kirkham, Paton, Macdonald.

Attendance 12,000.

Ebdon's hat-trick, Wardle's brilliant goal, and the easy ascendancy of the rival attacks were highlights of today's match at St. James's Park. An entertaining contest, it produced clever and constructive play by both teams, and the City's win was well deserved, although possibly the margin was slightly flattering. Territorially Bournemouth had as much of the exchanges as the City. Their movements were well planned and the approach work was pleasing, but the visiting forwards had no persistent match-winning forward to compare with Ebdon.

Ebdon's best goal was his first. He had to sidestep three men, push the ball forward a couple of yards and then drive it past the goal keeper. It was a grand goal and only overshadowed by Wardle's better one later in the match. Wardle got the ball in his own penalty area from a Bournemouth corner kick. By brilliant and seemingly effortless ball control he emerged from the ruck. At top speed he careered past man after man in an electrifying 70 yards run. The perfect ending came when he, noticing that Bird was advancing from his goal, timed his shot exactly. From the edge of the penalty area Wardle lobbed the ball over the head of the goalkeeper and into the empty net.

Southern League:
Cheltenham 8
City Reserves 3
(Holman, Challis, and Smart).


Cheltenham now Second in League

Cheltenham Town supporters were given a heartening display on the Whaddon-road ground on Saturday, when the Town piled on eight goals against three in the match with Exeter City Reserves, who on goal average were one position ahead of Cheltenham in the Southern League table. By this win, the Town
move up from fifth position to second in the table, and the heaviness of the score stands the club in good stead, placing them ahead of Chelmsford, who with the same number of points, have played one game more.

At the head of the table are Guildford, two points ahead of Cheltenham but with the disadvantage of having played an extra game.

Overwhelming though the score was, there was some goods football. The Exeter forwards pressed hard at times, but their defence was not strong enough for the concerted play of the virile Town forwards. Cheltenham played together well, and the passing was more accurate than it has been at any time this season. Not many opportunities were missed.

Five of Cheltenham eight goals were scored in the first half without reply, Stewart netting one and Ray and Duff two each. Both of Duff's goals were from brilliant headers which de- lighted the crowd of 3,000. Possibly the Town were inclined to rest on their position in the second half, and Exeter went all out to even things up a bit, They met with success after 15 minutes, when, following a scramble near the Cheltenham goalmouth, Holman drove Comely into the net with the ball still in the goalkeeper's hands. The Cheltenham defence was given a hard time, and it was not long before the visitors had added another two goals. Things looked very different from Cheltenham's half-time lead of five clear goals, and the Town forwards were roused to action. The result of their effort was to score three quick geals through Duff, Parris, and Goring nullifying half rally. Exeter's second-

Goring scored only one of the eight and his shooting was inclined to be erratic, but he was always on the ball and always on the mark, and he had a lot to do with Chelten- ham's decisive win.


Cheltenham Town 8 -3 Exeter City Res.

Team: Todd; Gingell, Long; Holcroft, Angus, Haddock; Holman, Bowden, Smart, Vaughan, and Challis.

Attendance 3000


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