Alan Wright

Alan Wright made 154 apps for Weymouth scoring 8 goals before joining Bedford Town to become their player manager at the end of the 1963-64 season.
He played for Exeter "A" in the Exeter and District League, joining Weymouth. He was in the City "A." team who meet Dawlish "B" at Countess Wear in 1955-56. 



Derek Bellotti

I played with Alan Wright at Bedford late 1960s. knew him & his wife in Weymouth & would like to contact him. 

Ashlea Cooke

Hi. Alan is the grandfather of my partner. Happy to sort something if you'd like to have contact?

Lynda Turner

Hello trying to get in touch with my cousin Alan Wright, I know he played at Weymouth . And that's  definitely  him in the photo. If anyone has any information they could let me have.


Lynda Turner

Paul Farley

You can contact us at 


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